Февраль 9, 2018

This Agreement has been mode on………….between…………..company (herein after called the first party) and Mr………….. Nepalese Nationality holder of Nepalese passport No………………….issued on( herin after called the second party) observing in a good faith on the following terms and conditions.

Therefore, it is mutually agreed as below:

  1. The party will pay an amount of ABC currency______ to the second party as his monthly salary.
  2.  First party should provide the second party will provide free accommodation and medical facilities.
  3. First party will pay air ticket to the joining as duties in _______ and first party will pay air ticket back home after the end of contract period.
  4.  Working period will be8 hour par day 48 hours per week and overtime as per rule of international labor organization.
  5. If the second party refuses to work he/she will not be allowed to work with course of the particular country unless the first party allows he/she do so. Otherwise he/she will have to go back his/her country at his/her own expense.
  6. In case second party desire to of back to his/her country before the expiry of his/her agreement  then he/she can do at his/her  own expense at the first party.
  7. First party shall have the right to terminate the service if the second party shall go back home at the cost of the first party.
  8. In case the second party becomes ill or is afflicted during the course, and illness is due to his/her job then first party will bear all charges for his/her medical treatment as long as this is valid or shall arrange to send his/her country.
  9. If the first party desires to close the work of the establishment then all event expense for the second party shall be an account on the party.
  10. The period of agreement is 2-3 years starting from the first day of the arrival to the particular country?
  11. Each party should have one copy of this contract and if the two copies are found different the one that made the made the change should be punished according to the rule and regulation of particular country.
  12. The first party will provide the second party necessary insurance cover for work man compensation benefit for work- related injuries or work related death as per rule and regulation of particular country.
  13. All the other terms and conditions between two parties as per rule and regulation of particular country.
First party
Authorized Person Name
Authorized Signature
Company Stamp
Second Party
Richhood Overseas Inc.Pvt. Ltd
Authorized Signature
Company Stamp
Договор подряда
Февраль 9, 2018

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