Февраль 25, 2018

Theo Employment & Travel Ltd.
Chriso Youkhan Private

Февраль 25, 2018
Февраль 25, 2018

Basmah Trading & Contacting Est.
Maharah Human Resources Comapany

Февраль 25, 2018
Февраль 25, 2018

Valtrans Transportation System & Serv.CELLC.
Atai Fzc
AL Fattan Properties LLC.
Merry Brown U.A.E.

Февраль 25, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

This Agreement has been mode on………….between…………..company (herein after called the first party) and Mr………….. Nepalese Nationality holder of Nepalese passport No………………….issued on( herin after called the second party) observing in a good faith on the following terms and conditions.

Therefore, it is mutually agreed as below:

  1. The party will pay an amount of ABC currency______ to the second party as his monthly salary.
  2.  First party should provide the second party will provide free accommodation and medical facilities.
  3. First party will pay air ticket to the joining as duties in _______ and first party will pay air ticket back home after the end of contract period.
  4.  Working period will be8 hour par day 48 hours per week and overtime as per rule of international labor organization.
  5. If the second party refuses to work he/she will not be allowed to work with course of the particular country unless the first party allows he/she do so. Otherwise he/she will have to go back his/her country at his/her own expense.
  6. In case second party desire to of back to his/her country before the expiry of his/her agreement  then he/she can do at his/her  own expense at the first party.
  7. First party shall have the right to terminate the service if the second party shall go back home at the cost of the first party.
  8. In case the second party becomes ill or is afflicted during the course, and illness is due to his/her job then first party will bear all charges for his/her medical treatment as long as this is valid or shall arrange to send his/her country.
  9. If the first party desires to close the work of the establishment then all event expense for the second party shall be an account on the party.
  10. The period of agreement is 2-3 years starting from the first day of the arrival to the particular country?
  11. Each party should have one copy of this contract and if the two copies are found different the one that made the made the change should be punished according to the rule and regulation of particular country.
  12. The first party will provide the second party necessary insurance cover for work man compensation benefit for work- related injuries or work related death as per rule and regulation of particular country.
  13. All the other terms and conditions between two parties as per rule and regulation of particular country.
First party
Authorized Person Name
Authorized Signature
Company Stamp
Second Party
Richhood Overseas Inc.Pvt. Ltd
Authorized Signature
Company Stamp
Февраль 9, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

This agreement is enter in to between      and after called the first party and M/S Richhood Overseas Inc. Pvt. Ltd, Dhapasi-9, Basundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal here is called the second party.

Both parties here to have negotiated and finalized this agreement for recruitment of manpower from Nepal on the following terms and conditions.

  1. THE FIRST PARTY here by agrees to appoint THE SECOND PARTY as their lawful attorney and agent for recruitment and placement of Nepalese workers for them.
  2. THE FIRST PARTY agrees to inform THE SECOND PARTY of their recruitment of man power from time to time whenever they have demand for manpower it is also agreed that necessary demand letter, power of attorney and specimen contract will be provided for mobilization.
  3. THE SECOND PARTY agrees to mobilize the required man power on receipt of the demand by adverting news paper and the FRIST PARTY representative will take the interview as in scheduled.
  4. THE FIRST PARTY agrees to process visa for selected candidates within 30days from the date of receipt of completed document at their office. In case if delay THE SECOND PARTY should be inform about the reason for delay and approximate time by which the visas at their office.
  5. THE SECOND PARTY agrees placeman of selected workers at the place of employment within a minimum period of 15 days and a maximum period of 45 days from the date of receipt of visa at their office
  6. THE FIRST PARTY agrees to fulfill all the the conditions agreed upon by both parties regarding the accommodation salary and other service conditions and make sure that the required workers are paid their office.
  7. Both parties here to have agreed that this agreement will be valid from 2 years date of singing initially and shall be considered renewed automatically for further period in same terms and conditions unless terminated by their party in writing.

Both parties here to have discussed all the above matters in the details and agreed to all the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement and put their signature in to identical original. One to be kept by each party.

First party
Signed in acceptance
Name of Company
Company Stamp
Second Party
Signed in acceptance
Richhood Overseas Inc.Pvt. Ltd
Company Stamp
Февраль 9, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

The Director General
Department Labor
New Baneshower, Kathmandu-Nepal

Subject : Guarantee Letter

Dear sir
This is to inform you that we have authorized to recruit 91 Nepalese Workers From M/S Richhood Overseas Inc.Pvt.Ltd No 539/061/062. Banundhara Kathmandu, Nepal. We Guarantee that all worker will not be any other country and company.

Thanking you

Authorized Person Name:
Authorized Signature:
Company Name:
Company Stamp:

Февраль 9, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

We here by appoint

M/s. Richhood Overseas Incorporate P. Ltd.
Tel: 00977-1-4382899
(Lic. No. 539/061/062 Under Government of Nepal Dept. of Labour)

To be our true and lawful recruiting agent for Nepali Worker on behalf of as per the demand letter issued in their favor.

They are empowered to sign all necessary document and arranging employment contract with the recruited workers as far as the recruitment is concerned and as required by the laws and regulations of the required persons to the work visa.

In witness where of we have executed this document on the day.

This power of attorney is limited to the requirement of the said demand letter and expires in the completion of this recruitment.

Thanking you
With best regards

Authorized Person Name:
Authorized Signature:
Company Name:
Company Stamp:

Февраль 9, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

M/S. Richhood Overseas Incorporate P.Ltd.
Tel: 00977-1-4382899
(Lic.No. 539/061/062 under Government of Nepal Dept. of labor)

Dear Sir/Madam, 

We hereby place an order to select and recruit the following Nepalese workers from Nepal in behalf of our company as detailed below.

S.n. Category Qty Salary/ Month

Other terms and Conditions

  1. Accommodations: the employer provides furnished shared bachelor standard accommodation with A/C fittings.
  2. Air passage: the employer upon completion of the employment contract will provide free economic class air ticket.
  3. Probationary Period: 90 day from the date of workers arrival in the particular country.
  4. Medical: will the provided by the company.
  5. Working hours: Daily 8 hours a day and 6 day a week.
  6. Overtime: As per the labor law of particular country.
  7. Leave and Holidays: as per the labor law of the country.
  8. Resident Permit: by the company.


Other terms and conditions not covered by this demand letter will be as per the law of the country.

Thanking you
With best regards,

Authorized person Name:
Authorized Signature:
Company Name:
Company stamp:

Февраль 9, 2018
Февраль 9, 2018

Графические дизайнеры сочетают в себе искусство и технологии для передачи идей с помощью изображений, макетов веб-сайтов и печатных страниц. Они могут использовать различные элементы дизайна для достижения художественных или декоративных эффектов.

Графические дизайнеры работают как с текстом, так и с изображениями. Они часто выбирают тип, шрифт, размер, цвет и длину строки заголовков, заголовков и текста. Графические дизайнеры также решают, как изображения и текст будут сочетаться на распечатке или веб-странице, в том числе, сколько места будет у каждого. При использовании текста в макетах графические дизайнеры тесно сотрудничают с авторами, которые выбирают слова и решают, будут ли слова помещены в абзацы, списки или таблицы. Используя изображения, текст и цвет, графические дизайнеры могут преобразовывать статистические данные в визуальные графики и диаграммы, которые могут сделать сложные идеи более доступными.

Графический дизайн играет важную роль в продажах и маркетинге продуктов, а также является важным компонентом брошюр и логотипов. Поэтому графические дизайнеры, также называемые графическими художниками или коммуникационными дизайнерами, часто работают в тесном контакте с людьми в сфере рекламы и продвижения, связей с общественностью и маркетинга.

Зачастую дизайнеры специализируются на определенной категории или типе клиента. Например, некоторые создают графику, используемую в упаковке для различных типов розничных продуктов, в то время как другие могут работать над визуальным дизайном, используемым на книжной обложке.

Графические дизайнеры также должны быть в курсе последних программных и компьютерных технологий, чтобы оставаться конкурентоспособными.

Февраль 9, 2018

    Февраль 8, 2018

    Наш клиент, ведущий банк в Непале, ищет менеджера по ИТ-проектам для управления реализацией технологических проектов и изменений различной степени сложности на основе глубокого понимания систем, процессов и функциональных требований банка и помогать проектировать и разрабатывать технические решения, поддерживая бизнес с управлением и обслуживанием бизнес-систем.

    Управление проектом и управление изменениями:

    • Управляйте технологическими проектами и изменениями и осуществляйте их, взаимодействуя с различными внутренними и внешними заинтересованными сторонами и внедряя структуру управления проектами, чтобы обеспечить завершение проектов в установленные сроки и в соответствии с бюджетными стандартами.
    • Управление разработкой, настройкой, параметризацией, тестированием, внедрением технологических изменений и переходом к производству, предоставляя бизнес-пользователям поддержку и рекомендации по планированию / проведению тестирования программного обеспечения.
    • Разрабатывать и проектировать технологические решения на основе принципов архитектуры бизнеса и приложений и поддерживать эффективные и гибкие технологии для бизнеса
    • Разработка проекта, запросов предложений, технических документов, процедур, документов и другой связанной с проектом документации в рамках проекта в соответствии с требуемыми стандартами
    • Координация с ИТ-командами при планировании и мониторинге и адаптация к меняющимся бизнес-приоритетам, чтобы обеспечить соответствие технологических изменений бизнес-требованиям / приоритетам
    Февраль 8, 2018